Constitution of the Graduate Faculty of Indiana University
(adopted by action of the Graduate Faculty Council and the Graduate Faculty, May 3, 2010)
Graduate Faculty Constitution 2010
Article I. Purpose and Authority
Section 1.
The purpose of the Graduate Faculty of Indiana University shall be the advancement of knowledge through research and instruction of the highest quality. The faculty shall seek to foster in graduate students a spirit of inquiry, recognition of the value of scholarship, and an understanding of the integrity required for the pursuit of scholarship.
Section 2.
The Indiana University Graduate Faculty has advisory and legislative authority over all matters pertaining to graduate faculty membership, graduate curricula and requirements for graduate degrees.
Article II. Membership
Section 1.
The Graduate Faculty shall consist of all tenured or tenure-eligible Indiana University Faculty. Non-tenure track faculty who are recommended by their departments or schools may be approved for membership in the Graduate Faculty by the Dean of the University Graduate School in accordance with the policies set forth by the Graduate Faculty Council. Faculty may receive further endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations by recommendation of their department or school and the approval of the Dean of the University Graduate School in accordance with the policies of the Graduate Faculty Council.
Section 2.
The standards and the procedures for obtaining and retaining such membership shall be determined by the Graduate Faculty Council.
Article III. The University Graduate School
Section 1.
The University Graduate School (“School”) shall be the executive office of the Graduate Faculty. It shall administer the policies of the University that pertain to graduate education and shall administer the decisions of the Graduate Faculty Council as representatives of the Graduate Faculty. The School shall confer all Ph.D. and non-professional Master’s degrees.
Section 2.
The Dean of the University Graduate School (“Dean”) shall serve as the University administrator responsible for all matters pertaining to graduate education. The primary responsibilities of the Dean shall be:
- To serve as chief executive officer of the School. The Dean shall represent issues of the School to the administration of the University on all matters pertaining to graduate education; and
- To serve as administrative head of the School. The Dean shall have responsibility for the leadership and direction of the School, shall administer and enforce its policies and regulations, shall maintain its records, shall establish procedures for securing conformity to the rules of the School, shall on the advice of the department concerned appoint committees for Master’s students and doctoral candidates; and
- To, with the advice of the Graduate Faculty Council, award fellowships and grants-in-aid; and
- To serve as the representative of the School and the Graduate Faculty to internal and external audiences.
Section 3.
The Dean shall annually convene a meeting of the Graduate Faculty. At this annual meeting the Graduate Faculty shall receive the reports and plans for the coming year from the Dean concerning the operation of the School.
Article IV. The Graduate Faculty Council
Section 1.
The Graduate Faculty Council (“Council”) shall be the representative body of the Graduate Faculty. The duties and functions of the Council shall be to:
- Adopt bylaws for the governance of the Council.
- Create standing and special committees, assign their duties and receive their reports and recommendations.
- Establish general requirements for degrees granted by the School.
- Establish standards for admission of students to the School.
- Ensure the academic quality and integrity of graduate programs through curricular oversight and periodic program review.
- Establish and review the membership standards and procedures of the Graduate Faculty.
- Adopt policies and procedures concerning graduate education for implementation by the School, subject to review by the Graduate Faculty.
- Give general direction to the School, receive the reports and recommendations of the Dean and provide advice on any matter related to graduate education.
- Accept issues for consideration presented by members of the Graduate Faculty and determine questions that should be placed before the Graduate Faculty for its advice or decision.
- Advise the Dean with respect to:
- Awards of fellowships and grants-in-aid.
- The general improvement of standards of graduate work.
Section 2.
The Dean and Associate Deans of the School shall be non-voting ex-officio members of the Council.
Section 3.
Each school, college or campus with Graduate Faculty shall be entitled to representation on the Council. Each campus shall be entitled to at least one representative.
Section 4.
The Graduate and Professional Student Organization (Bloomington) and the Graduate Student Organization (Indianapolis) shall be entitled to elect one representative each to the Council.
Section 5.
The faculty members of the Council shall have two-year terms of office, one half of which shall be filled each year. Members shall be eligible for election to a second consecutive two-year term, after which they shall be ineligible for election for one year. Student members shall have one-year terms of office.
Section 6.
In the Spring Semester of each year, the Council shall conduct an election of its representatives. Temporary or permanent vacancies in the Council shall be filled for the duration of the vacancy in accordance with the Bylaws of the Council.
Section 7.
At the last Council meeting of each academic year, the members of the Council for the following year shall elect Council officers as described in the Bylaws of the Council. The offices to be filled shall be: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. The Chairperson of the Council shall serve as the Presiding Officer.
Section 8.
The Graduate Council shall ordinarily meet once monthly from September through April and may meet at other times by the request of the Dean or by decision of the Council.
Section 9.
The Council or the Dean may convene a special meeting of the Graduate Faculty at any time to solicit the advice or decision of the faculty about any matter within its jurisdiction. In addition, upon petition of a simple majority of members of the Graduate Faculty to the Dean, the latter shall convene a special meeting of the faculty within two weeks. The Dean shall preside at all special meetings of the Council.
Article V. Implementation and Amendment
Section 1.
Adoption of this Constitution shall be by approval of the Council and ratification by twothirds of the Graduate Faculty voting on the issue by paper or electronic ballot. The Constitution of the Graduate Faculty and the Bylaws of the Graduate Faculty Council shall replace all previous Constitutions and Bylaws. The effective date of implementation shall be 1 July 2010.
Section 2.
This Constitution may be amended by approval of the Council and ratification by two-thirds of the Graduate Faculty voting on the issue by paper or electronic ballot.